Adam, the first man, and your forefather, immersed in a Mikva! helps you find out why Mikva-immersion is vital for Women and Men alike.
Lifetime of Projects
Invesing Time and Efforts for Am Yisrael
Rabbi Yehuda Moses
Los Angeles, California
16 Adar 5767 – (Mar.6.07)
Rabbi Imanuel Ravad
7200 W. Beverly Bd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Dear Rabbi Ravad:
In the name of our people we must thank you for the wonderful Mikvah promotional work that you do with your Mikva – Tikva Outreach Programs. I feel it is my duty to let it be known what a great impact you are making in our community.
I was recently in a coffee shop and heard two secular / non-observant Jews discuss the laws of purity and its importance for their families. I was shocked to find out that they also know how important the laws of purity are even for non-observant Jews.
I went up to talk to them and they told me that for many years they had been interested in the subject but did not have the opportunity to learn about it. Seeing your mobile Mikvah billboard van ignited their interest. They immediately ran over to you and received Mikvah education materials. Your brochure definitely inspired them. They are now collecting funds to build a Mikvah for our community.
I was amazed to see how much of an impact you made in your short stay in Los Angeles. I am sure that this is just one of many stories about the great work that you are doing.
I am certain, that as a result of your dedication and outstanding Mikvah promotion, our community will derive tremendous benefits and growth. I have no doubt that your efforts will rekindle the interest in Mikvah in the hearts of many Jews.
It was a pleasure meeting you. Thanks for all the Chessed and hard work that you invest in us.
Keep up the good work.
Rabbi Yehuda Moses
Young Professionals Rabbi
Nessah Synagogue, B.H., CA
Rabbi Yehuda Moses
Beth Israel – The West Temple Religious School
14308 Triskett Road, Cleveland Ohio 44111 / Tel. 216-941-8882, Fax. 216-251-8444
June 1, 2004
Rabbi Imanuel Ravad, Founder
SURVIVAL / Mikva-Tikva-Hope / No Mikva – No Tikva
Mikva Outreach Global Programs
Hansihim Street 17-b, Petah-Mikva–Tikva, 49550 Israel
Dear Rabbi Ravad,
Three years ago, at CAJE 26 (yearly Jewish Educators International Conference, with over 2500 participatig Jewish schools principals, teachers & rabbis, Sun.-Thur., Aug. 5-9, 001, at Colorado State University), in Fort Collins, Colorado, one of my teachers met you and received information about Mikva. She was quite impressed with the quality of the materials and the information shared. Upon returning home to Cleveland, Ohio, she (copied and distributed the materials and) prepared a special program at our community (orthodox kosher) Mikva for the women of our Reform congregation. Many of the women were inspired by the program to attend the Mikvah themselves, and take on this special mitzvah.
I have been attending the CAJE Conferences for the past number of years and have seen you tirelessly sharing the mikvah information with the attendees. I wanted to let you know that your work has not gone unnoticed. Each mitzvah brings us closer to HaShem. Todah rabah.
Enid C. Lader, Director
Congregational & Family Education
Community Funded Position
י"ב סיוון תשס"ד – (1. יונ. 004)
הרב ראב"ד היקר,
לפני שלוש שנים, ב- קייג' 26 – CAJE 26, (וועידת המחנכים היהודים הבינלאומית, השנתית, יום ראשון-חמישי, ט"ז-כ' מנחם-אב תשס"א, 5-9.אוג.001', בהשתתפות מעל 2500 מנהלי בתי ספר, מורים ורבנים, באוניברסיטה של מדינת קולורדו), בפורט קולינס, קולוראדו, אחת המורות שלי פגשה וקבלה ממך חומר הסברת מקוואות. היא מאד התרשמה מאיכות החומר והידיעות שלמדת אותה. ובחזרה הביתה, לקליוולנד אוהיו, היא (שכפלה וחלקה את חומר ההסברה שמסרת לה) והכינה תוכנית מיוחדת במקוה (הכשרה של הקהילה החרדית), עבור נשות קהילתינו הרפורמית. הרבה מהנשים התרשמו מהתוכנית לטבול במקווה בעצמן, ולשמור מצווה מיוחדת זו.
השתתפתי בוועידות המחנכים היהודים – קייג', במספר שנים אחרונות, וראיתיך מחלק ללא לאות חומר הסברת מקוואות למשתתפים. ברצוני להודיעך שעבודתך לא נעלמה מבלי לעורר תשומת לב ראויה. כל מצווה מקרבת אותנו אל השם. תודה רבה.
בכבוד רב
אניד לאדער, מנהלת, חינוך קהילתי ומשפחתי
בית ספר לחינוך יהודי של בית ישראל, הטמפל המערבי, קליוולנד אוהיו
Enid C. Lader, Director
Contact us
Rabbi Imanuel Ravad
20 Shemaya Street
Bne Brak,ISRAEL 5132703
Rabbi Imanuel Ravad 20 Shemaya St Bne Brak Israel 5132703